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Jackson starts to do stuff!
He's not doing higher math yet, but we're still excited...




He LOVES being outside.


He can sit up with the help of the Bumbo seat
(but his thunder thighs won't fit in it for long!)


He's quite a smiley guy. Looks like it's time for a haircut.


Jackson and Zed have been getting along famously.


Zed is so happy to have a playmate of his own intelligence level.
(Rita surpassed him long ago)


The new (ridiculous-looking) sun hat for summer.


Only an inch or so to go!


He is still doing a fair bit of sleeping as well...




Gramma came to visit!


Now that he's four months old...


...we decided to introduce the spoon.


Apparently he has innate knowledge of all things food-related.






Jackson is off his liquid diet!!


He seemed to like the delicious rice cereal on the menu.


We'll need a little practice.